Sins Plus "Universal Mayhem" is a mod that will be activated in front of either Rebellion versions of Sins Plus from Ricks Galaxy, and add or change things to the game. I've spent a little bit of time learning to use SoftImage XSI which has allowed me to get some models into game, put weapons on another and fix weapons points on the Beta Sins ships. Below is a list of everything currently being done and things I'm thinking about. If you have any Ideas, questions or just want to throw your 2 cents in by all means send me an email...............
1. Alliance Hidden Agenda's...................... (from SZ0) More capital ships , I say yes.
2. Ship Graveyards ...................................... Added: Asteroid based station ( Sol Command model ), Damaged Kol model ( from Sinperium ) Beta Kol, Beta Marza, New Tec Carrier Frigate ( I've added gun turrets to all 4 corners ). The old junk models now have "Rigged for Explosion" ability. (a.k.a. Self Destruct)
3. Space Junk................................................Added actual space junk models ( from Sol Command ) to these areas of space.
4. Asteroid Fields .........................................Added a factory asteroid model ( from Sol Command )
5. Wandering Ships ..................................... Added: Wandering Pirate ship ( from Sol Command ) spawned from the Pirate Base the EC-3 Treasure Transport is heavily armed.
6. Planet Cannons........................................Removed all Planet cannons from all races.
7. Volcanic Planets.......................................Replaced the two sins volcanic planet textures with something better.
8. New Pirate Ships. and Modules..............Added new Capital ship with fighters and bombers.
9. Exhaust Mod..............................................Added the Experimental Exhaust Colour Mod ( from Valpheus )
10. War Zone..................................................Restricted space thats gaurded by Regulator Laser Drones. These areas are rich in resources but beware of the field sensors that will notify Regulator fleets of your presence.
11. Militia Fleet................................................Replaced Tech militia ships on un-owned planets with ships from the Regulators.
12. The Black Market....................................Is a new Tradeport protected by the pirates, but can be captured.

For: Rebellion v1.96 + DLC
This is an Add-On for Sins Plus. You must activate the Universal Mayhem mod ( SinsPlus-UM_v3.2-RG) 1st in order, or on top of the " SinsPlus_v3.2R+DLC-RG " mod for this to work. Remeber this is a beta version so email me or post on the SoaSE forums if you find any errors. PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY models, textures or music from this mod without proper permission from the owners. Thanks and enjoy................................Rick