Ricks  Galaxy  Mods    
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Released  " 01/22/2012 "
  *5 Strike Craft Per Race*  * 94 New Techs *  *30 New Abilities * *New Planet Research*  Mods Included: (1) Sins Plus v1.3 by Uzii (modified), (2) Volumetric Explosions & Damage Effects v1.12 , (3)Bailknights Graphic Mod v1.1  ,Increased levels of research, Reworked pirate raids, Rebalaced resources
( Link to original post )
From:  "Ordian"
For: Entrenchment v1.055
"RELEASED 03/04/2013"
"RELEASED 03/23/2013"
For: Diplomacy v1.37
=  Ricks Galaxy Download
( Link to original post )
From:  "SZO"
  The mod adds 3 new capital ships to the game that are accessed through diplomatic research, 1 for each race. Each ship has 2 new abilities.The aim of the mod is to just add to Sins a little without taking away the Sins aspects that make it a great game
"RELEASED 03/23/2013"
For: Diplomacy v1.37
( Link to original post )
  Bailknight's Graphic Mod is undoubtedly the highest quality graphical makeover for Sins of a Solar Empire. Enable the bloom effect in the effects option menu before playing to get the full effect of this mod.
"RELEASED 07/04/2016
For: Diplomacy v1.37
From:  "Bailknight"
"RELEASED 07/15/2021"
For: Rebellion v1.96  &  DLC - Compatible
  This mods main focus is about adding more celestial body types and extending the existing ones. Which means more size and effect variety, new bonuses and abilities. Also some new researches are included but only things that had to do with colonization or avoiding effects from planet/star abilities. Also this mod contains special scenarios some of them taking place in our own solar system.
( Link to original post )
From:  "Toh Klidan"
"RELEASED 02/03/2013"
For: Entrenchment v1.055
  This mod significantly strengthens all capital ships and increases the advantages of gaining experience. Ok, the ships cost twice as much now and take about 5 times longer to build, but Rome wasn't built in one day either... Also includes an extended research tree. That way its possible to reach real technological sovereignty over your pitiful opponents .
( Link to original post )
From:  "Grottenolm85"
"RELEASED 03/04/2013"
For: Entrenchment v1.055
For: Diplomacy v1.37
"RELEASED 03/23/2013"
"RELEASED 07/15/2021"
For: Rebellion v1.96  &  DLC - Compatible
This mod adds 11 new Planets and 65 new Planetary Bonuses, as well as Ship Graveyards. Custom research is also included for some of the new planets, and there is the option to colonise Gas Giants, once you have acquired the technology. Max 50 mine count per planet, 40 per Asteroid.
( Link to original post )
From:  "UZII"
"RELEASED 12/11/2012"
For: Entrenchment v1.055
"RELEASED 03/24/2013"
For: Diplomacy v1.37
"RELEASED 07/15/2021"
For: Rebellion v1.96 + DLC 
Hammer RS Mod
     This is a mod that makes the pirates a force to be dealt with. The pirates have some new ships and old ships with a little different design and each loaded with abilities. Pirates also have an unknown facility which holds secret abilities. Computer Control is a researchable ability for all races on LRM frigates and allows for capturing of enemy ships. Some planets have orbiting moons with the "Moon" planetary bonus.
From:  "HammerSun"
"RELEASED 03/07/2013"
For: Sins v1.195
"RELEASED 02/06/2013"
For: Entrenchment v1.055
( Entrenchment version also includes Sins Plus and Bailknights Graphical Mod.)
( Link to original post )
       Includes parts of Sins Plus, Volumetric Explosions, Sins Enhanced and Recolored Skyboxes. 
From:  "XSELENS"
"RELEASED 03/07/2013"
For: Sins v1.195
For: Diplomacy v1.34
For: Entrenchment v1.051
From:  "rjhughes67"
Released  " 03/23/2013 "
For: Diplomacy v1.37
From:  "rjhughes67"
 This mod is a change to the user interface only, no game play changes were made.
Released  " 06/19/2009 "
For: All Versions of Sins
From:  "rjhughes67"
      This mod is a voice change to all the Tec Capital Ships and can be stacked with any other mod. Also includes voice changes to the Cobalt, Ogrov, and Hoshiko.
Released  " 02/19/2009 "
For: All Versions of Sins
From:  "rjhughes67"
 This mod is a voice change to the Marza making it sound like the Grim Reaper.
Released  " 08/18/2012 "
For: All Versions of Sins
From:  "rjhughes67"
 This mod just changes the in game cursors to a Star Trek theme.
From:  "Kiedjor"
 This mod includes destroyer class, battlecruiser class, and a titan class. New defenses for each race: Advent can plant outposts on asteroids in their gravity wells and is also equipped with shield regenerating devices, for vasari they have hanger that can deploy gunships and also deploy fast acting fighters or bombers to protect the hanger, and the tech can create a huge battlestation that can destroy,disable and enhance ships in the gravity well.Gravity well has been increased as well as asteroids and capturable ones too. A rough fighter like movement for frigates and cruisers has been added its not perfect but it does add some more action to the battles. Captials also has been buffed and also the strikecraft they can carry.Research also has been expanded and for tech they dont have lasers but 4 research techs devoted into enhancing gauss type weapons.
For: Sins, Entrenchment, Diplomacy
From:  "Max Tael"
     Slight visual upgrades of all planet and star textures: brightened stars, reworked and darkened volcanic types, retexturized gas giants, etc. With the exception of starfield.dds and starcorona2.dds, there are no resolution changes.
 All mods listed on this page are currently updated and maintained by Ricks Galaxy.

For: Sins v1.195
(Includes Bailknights Graphical Mod)
(Includes Bailknights Graphical Mod)
(Includes Bailknights Graphical Mod)
"RELEASED 07/15/2021"
For: Rebellion v1.96 + DLC 
For: Rebellion v1.96  &  DLC - Compatible
"RELEASED 11/10/2013"
  BGM-STACK is a stackable version of Bailknights Graphical Mod. This version should work with most mods as it does NOT include any Entity files or Skyboxes. No rate of fire changes, No Race specific explosions, No altered beam width's and so on. This is a scaled down version.. 
Warning : This mod has extensive errors in some of the ship models and suffers from extreme lag in game play. 
For: Rebellion v1.96  &  DLC - Compatible
From:  "SZ0" , "rjhughes67" , "Fabiulu"
  This mod adds 6 new Capital Ships to the game that are accessed by diplomatic research. Each race gets 1 Capital ship thats unique to that race, and 2 that were jointly conceived by multiple races. The multi-race ships include weapons from both races, and all ships include 2 new abilities. Other than a few visuals nothing else has been changed so as to keep the game as stock as possible.
"RELEASED 07/15/2021"
 This sound mod is used to help with lag and needs to be first or on top in the order. Works with all Rebellion versions and Universal Mayhem. If you have any questions please email me.
"RELEASED 09/21/2016"
For: Rebellion v1.96 + DLC 
SinsPlus-Universal Mayhem
Contact Us
Released  " 06/01/2024 "
From:  "rjhughes67"
For: Rebellion v1.98 + All DLC
From:  "rjhughes67"
     This is a mod that add's a new race to the Sins of a Solar Empire universe. In order to understand what they are about and how they came to be, please watch the short intro movie to get their back story.
This Mod Includes:

---New Playable Race ......... ( The Skeledon )

        some unique corvettes, frigates, and cruisers, 9 Capital ships
        Skeledon empire voicing
        Skeledon Player pics
        Star Base is movable and includes the "Hell Shock Generator"
        Their ships are faster, cheaper, have more fire power but with weaker shields and hull

---Includes Sins Plus, Solar Sins, Valpheus Exhaust Mod, Some models from Dark Space & Sol Command,  Bailknights Graphical Mod

---Includes 6 New Planets

        Electric Planet - this planet is not colonizable but has crystal at a nice rate of extraction, but beware
        Spice Planet - the spice must flow
        Prison Asteroid - you can make some nice coin with this planet
        Radiated Moon Cluster - uncolonizable
        Red Gas Ciant with Moons - colonizable with research, more population with moons
        Pirate Base - not new but are a random planet now + come with some interesting things

---The Pirates have been replaced

         The Necromongers. Beware the Lord Marshall you will hear from him
         Have there own unique ships
         If they defeat you they will destroy your planet

---Star bases and Mines

         2 Starbases allowed at home worlds, 1 at all others
         50 mines allowed per planet

---New Player pics for all races

---New Skyboxes

        I made some new skyboxes to better fit The Skeledon Sins Universe

---This is a Beta so I will have more to come !!!!!!!!!!!!!
*********The Entrenchment and Diplomacy versions do not play the same as the Rebellion version. There are a lot of differences including planets, ships and abilities. ********